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Hello everyone,
Welcome to the new open discussion forum, all about webinars, virtual classrooms and learning.
We encourage you to click the Add Discussion button to start discussions, add questions, share successes and learning points! If you can't see the Add Discussion button you haven't joined this group.
As an intro, let us know what you do and where you are.
Have fun everyone!
Jo and Mike
You need to be a member of Lightbulb Moment to add comments!
Hi all,
It feels a bit weird to reply to the admin message that I wrote, but I shall do so anyway! I'm really pleased to launch this free community for everyone to have access to. We all need help with designing and delivery webinars and virtual classrooms and that is what this area is all about.Â
I'm based in the UK, not too far from London, near Woking in Surrey. I work in my home office training people about virtual classroom delivery. I'm also interested in learning and development much more generally and hope not only to share things with you, but also to learn from the discussions we have too.Â
Thank you Jo. I am new to this topic but have worked in instruction for many years.
Thank you, Bettie.
Hi Everyone, lovely to virtually meet you all and looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from each other. Angel
Thanks so much Angel! Looking forward to learning more together :D
Thanks very much Pete! You've certainly come a long way in your live online journey and I know you've got great stuff to share :D
Welcome to the discussion group, Pete. We look forward to your insights!
Hi Jo
Having staved off some horrible lurgy, I have finally joined your community!! Glad to be here and thank you for the invite :)
I've extended the invite out to the rest of my team as we're in the midst of preparing for Learning at Work Week, which we'll be running virtually across our European operation, so it'll be interesting to see how cultures change and practices are adapted for different countries and languages.
Catch you all soon
Hi Ned, glad you are feeling well!
Great, we would love to know more about how your team tackle the challenges of working internationally.
More than happy! It will be even better if some of them join the chat... *sends virtual nudges*
In this and the last LaWW, we tackle the issues that different cultures can come up against, from simple manners and etiquette to organisational issues and differences. For example, the German Works Council have a huge say on what goes and what doesn't in terms of, well, everything offered to employees. If managed appropriately though, they can be a powerful partner for us (although this is still work in progress).
Italy tends to prefer classroom based approaches still, so we're working on that where appropriate. It also helps that we have English as our accepted business language, so we can fall onto that as a default if necessary, but always try and communicate in native languages where possible.
Great insight already Ned, thank you.Â
And I look forward to your colleagues once your virtual nudges have taken effect :D