Hello everyone,

One of my clients wants to use Teams for a very large event (around 5,000 or more people). It's a short webinar, but with a lot of people, and I've been asked for support. However I'm not knowledgable on producing for very large Teams events.

Does anyone have any advice please?

Thank you,

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  • Hi Bettie. There is a max number that a Teams meeting can accommodate - it keeps on changing but a quick Google suggests that it is currently 1,000 people, so you wouldn't be able to use normal Teams for such a big event. My firm uses Teams Live for really large webinars: it is much less interactive than Teams and much more suited for 'pushing' information out but it does have the ability to do Q&A. That might be a good place to start? Thanks, Janette

    • Dear Janette,

      That is very useful to know, thank you so much.

      The questions and answers feature I'm sure will be used.

      Kind regards,



  • I’ve found a few webpages that you might find useful:

    Produce a live event using Teams - Microsoft Support
    If you were designated as a producer in the Microsoft Teams live event scheduled with the basic video production method, you will join as a producer…
    • Dear Jo,

      Some very useful links, I appreciate you sharing them with me.

      Kind regards,



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