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Will AI help virtual classrooms?

There’s a LOT of discussion at the moment about artificial intelligence, from clever text chat with ChatGPT, images with Midjourney and much more. Can AI help with the virtual classroom? I asked ChatGPT, and this is what it said: Here are some ways that AI is likely to impact the future of live training events in the virtual classroom: Adaptive learning: AI can help create personalized and adaptive learning experiences for each learner during a live training event in the virtual classroom. This…

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6 Replies · Reply by Jo Cook May 24, 2023

Virtual design in a post-pandemic world

Hi all! Jo and I recently chatted a whole ton about how we changed our content during covid and especially now going forward. We identified that the whole virtual learning landscape had shifted with many learners in different positions. This got me thinking about if any of you in the Lightbulb Community had to re-design content during or now in the post pandemic world? Perhaps you don’t take as long explaining the tools? Maybe you have more advanced activities because yourself and the attendees…

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Microsoft Teams - big updates!

There have been some big Teams updates announced by Microsoft this week!  A lot of tehcnical under the hood changes to improve speed, new design for making the interface easier to use, easier to work across different accounts and Meetings will have an upgrade to make it easier to see people's webcams and reactions. All good stuff and you can read more here:   What are you most excited about?

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