Pre- or post-course work

Just watched a great webinar by Michelle Parish from the Learning Performance Institute:  

Webinar: The End or The Blend? Using Lockdown's Lessons to Perfect your Learning Strategy (Thursday 20th May 2021 @ 13.00 BST UK Time)


She talked about using your sessions for your most engaging, interactive content and taking more content 'off-line', presenting it as pre-course work. Her tip for getting people to actually do it was to make it integral to the course design by numbering it. If your pre-course work is 'Unit 1' no-one would want to start on Unit 2. I'm going to give it a try! Any other tips for encouraging delegates to do pre- or post-course work?

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  • Hi Cath, we find that pre-course work is effective on a longer course, but on a one-off session it needs to be shorter as people seem less invested up front. 

    A colleague of mine, Kassy LaBorie, used to try and structure sessions in pairs, rather than on it's own, as she found people did homework more than they did pre-work - so that's another way of looking at it!

    • Great - thanks Jo!

  • Using a platform like Teams (or any other platform that they collaborate on) set them team tasks which earn points for their team. Encourage them on the platform to stretch themselves - make sure they know you are checking what they have done but give lots of praise and encouragement.

    • HI Krystyna - thanks for this. i think team working is a great idea  - more incentive to do something if you're letting the team down by not doing it I guess?

      • Indeed and there is a safety aspect too, less risk for the learners if they are doing group work.

  • Good idea :)

    Prompts me to review the downloads I send to participants beforehand, which always have a bit of prep to do and bring for the start, as well as enabling people to 'fill in the blanks' as we progress through the workshop.

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