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Hi everyone,
Mike and I thought that our next podcast could be all about the engagement fails we've seen or experienced recently!
We were just chatting about a friend's four-hour virtual classroom this week that included:
- A boring 20+ minute ice breaker that could have been a four-minute intro
- The facilitator insisting everyone was unmuted then didn't mute someone when they needed to take a phone call
- Not asking questions and then expecting people to respond when they made a joke
So what have you seen or experienced that is poor practice, disastrous design, or just unfortunate?
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Hi all!
Looking to get this podcast recorded before the end of September and would love to hear some of your comments. Don't let the Twitter and LinkedIn army be the only people with a voice on the podcast. We want to shout you out also :)
A fail I saw recently was on what was promoted as an interactive session. The facilitator spoke for the first 20-minutes with no engagement, was in the middle of another long monologue and then triggered an impromptu thought where he wanted to get our opinions. Needless to say everyone was either asleep and missed the question or was off doing the laundry at that point!
A few from one recent session that was run between 12 and 4pm
Forcing everyone to be unmuted and calling people out by name if they are on mute when we are all trying to eat and lunch and do the session.
When someone takes a call and has there mic open and everyone can hear the conversation, and the facilitator can't seem to work out how to mute the person on the phone, and then tries to talk over the sound and continue the session.
And more of a direct engagement fail... In the middle of a sentance with no warning, calling out a specific attendee to come on the microphone and speak. The terrible awkward moments when the faclitator spends 30 seconds trying to get the person to speak and then finally in a depressed tone says "Oh, I think he is not there."
Ooooft Vicky that last one sounds excruciating for everyone, including the person that wasn't there!!
Yep that is painful and I might be guilty of :'(
Got to keep these questions spot on and clear, especially with that limited amount of time! Nice one Darryl.
Unfortunate statements from different facilitators:
"I'll answer these questions at the end" (too late)
"um, what did I want to share with you?" (You don't know?)
"Are you guys still awake?" Â (Guys? Zzz)
"It will be faster if I just give by you the examples" (okay...)
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to learning today?" (cringe)
Oh Joel that first one is a trigger for me! Answer it now, we are live and I am engaged!Â
Thanks for the comments, podcast is here readyto listen to: