Design - when is it finished?

"Design is finished when there's nothing left to take out"

This quote is from Jane Bozarth's article on Instructional Design.


How does this apply to webinars, where you might be marketing to an audience?

What about the virtual classroom, does this mean it's all about conversation and no content?


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  • Hello Jo,

    I'm not entirely convinced about the sentiment of this quote. When learning people do need content to read or be taught in order to have something to do and discuss.

    Thanks for your question,


  • Jo and I discussed this on one of our podcasts (Coming soon).

    It is a difficult question to answer, we have trained people who have rejected the sentiment to start off with. The argument being they have a hefty amount of compliance, or knowledge the user 'Needs' to know by the end of the training.

    Jo can go into greater detail but I will try outline the real basics of a blended approach below, it could provide a better solution or something to consider at least.

    1. Before the training, provide resources

    • The longer more compliance based information they 'Need' to know
    • This can be in easy to use PDF docs, a video etc

    2. Discussion in the training

    • In the training provide an environment for real learning and discussion around certain elements of the resources
    • Make sure discussion is based around what they need to do when they get back to their actual job

    3. Follow up after the training

    • Provide additional resources or handouts that they might perhaps need from a legal or compliance view point
    • Provide additional resources or handouts that will help them whilst on the job
    • If possible provide a community space for the people to voice thoughts to each other

    Easier said than done. I have only put some basic ideas, Jo might be able to expand on some of what I have suggested.

    • This is the podcast we eventually recorded about it!

      Episode 40 – Design considerations for Live Online Learning
      In this episode ………….. Challenges for designing Considerations and mind-set Designing for your needs and tips from how we approach our sessions lig…
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